Join us for PERSPECTIVES FROM THE MAUNAKEA WORKING GROUP. We are pleased to have Rich Matsuda of Keck Observatories present on his experiences working on the Maunakea Working Group this past year. He will share perspectives that will perhaps help all of us understand the future of Maunakea management and Astronomy given our recent legislative actions with the passing of HB2024 establishing a new state entity – the MaunaKea Stewardship and Oversight Authority which will move forward to the Governor’s office.
This committee works to enhance the general business climate on Hawai`i Island and to support a stable and healthy economy. The committee organizes informative presentations to members which focus on issues that affect businesses.
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00am via Zoom (Dates and times subject to change)
Chair: HICC Vice President Randy Kurohara, Community First